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4 Quick Kettle Cleaning Tips for Removing Limescale

quick kettle cleaning

Your kettle has a lot of uses in your household. But too much use over time can lead to a buildup of limescale.

Limescale happens when minerals in boiled or heated water turn into a chalky deposit. It might not be that harmful to your own health, but it can lower the lifespan of your appliances if left uncleaned. 

You rely on your kettle for a variety of uses which is why you can’t limescale break this handy appliance. Here are a few quick kettle cleaning tips to help deal with this:

Wipe away limescale with a sponge

After using your kettle for a while, visible limescale or dirt may accumulate at the bottom. 

You will only need a sponge and some water to take care of this. Rinse out and scrub the bottom of your kettle of limescale and dirt to return that shining look on it.

Descale limescale with vinegar

Need a natural descaler at home? You can also descale limescale with vinegar if you don’t have other options for your kettle.

Vinegar has a lot of uses in your home such as sanitization and cleaning tough stains. Mix half of it with water and bring it to a boil before rinsing it and washing it with soap. Repeat until the smell is completely removed.

Freshen up your kettle with some lemons

Lemons have a LOT of uses when it comes to cleaning any kind of mess in your home. Getting rid of kettle limescale is only another easy problem it can resolve.

Not only can lemon juice cut through limescale, but it can also remove any odor it left behind after the job. Stir a single lemon’s worth of juice into your kettle and boil it for about 20 seconds at a time to break it down.

Keep your kettle maintained

Keeping your kettle from building up limescale in the first place is a viable way of taking care of it.

Remember not to let hard water sit inside your kettle for too long if you want to keep limescale from building up. Don’t forget to also keep it nice and dry after use.

If you want more tips or to hire a cleaning service to take care of your whole home instead, Clean House Services has got your back. Contact us today!

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