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November 2022

cleaning candy stains

4 Tips for Cleaning Candy Stains From Clothing

Kids are enjoying their sweet rewards after a long night of Halloween, but it’s also a sign that you’ll be cleaning candy stains from their costumes and clothing. Chocolate, gum, and hard candy can melt and stick into clothing, causing a mess that would be too difficult to remove! But don’t fret, there’s always a way to get them neat and clean again in no time. Here are a few handy tips so you can… Read More »4 Tips for Cleaning Candy Stains From Clothing

cleaning electronic devices

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Electronic Devices

Cleaning electronic devices such as phones, laptops, and TVs should be part of our daily household routine. But how do you know that you are doing it right?  Electronics need cleaning from dirt, grime, or dust as we use them or leave them be for a while. But we don’t often consider what we shouldn’t do.  If you want to keep your gadgets sparkling fresh without causing any damage, avoid doing any of these mistakes:… Read More »4 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Electronic Devices

replace home carpets

4 Reasons You Need to Replace Home Carpets

There will always come the point where you will have to replace home carpets when they get too worn out.  Even the best of your carpets around the house will wear out either over time or overuse. Here’s a more comprehensive list of the signs that let you know if it’s time to replace your home carpets.  It’s looking too old Carpets get worn out and will eventually look too old to consider keeping in… Read More »4 Reasons You Need to Replace Home Carpets