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natural disinfecting laundry options

4 Natural Disinfecting Laundry Tips for Your Next Wash

Working on your next laundry load? Consider natural options if you are looking to disinfect your clothes without the harshness of chemicals.  Some disinfectant soaps can make your clothes uncomfortable, while others can damage certain fabrics such as satin or wool. In this case, you should settle with natural cleaning agents that can keep your clothes fresh and germ-free.  Here are a few you might want to use on your next load: Hydrogen peroxide This… Read More »4 Natural Disinfecting Laundry Tips for Your Next Wash

deodorize terrible odors

4 Easy Tips to Deodorize Terrible Odors From Your Home

Ever stumbled into a terrible odor in your home and wondered how it got there? Many homeowners come face to face with this problematic stench and want to get rid of it. Bad odors make for terrible living conditions in your home. Deodorizing is the necessary step, but it might be difficult to identify them at the source.  There are a few handy tips that can help you deodorize terrible odors even if you don’t… Read More »4 Easy Tips to Deodorize Terrible Odors From Your Home

quick kettle cleaning

4 Quick Kettle Cleaning Tips for Removing Limescale

Your kettle has a lot of uses in your household. But too much use over time can lead to a buildup of limescale. Limescale happens when minerals in boiled or heated water turn into a chalky deposit. It might not be that harmful to your own health, but it can lower the lifespan of your appliances if left uncleaned.  You rely on your kettle for a variety of uses which is why you can’t limescale… Read More »4 Quick Kettle Cleaning Tips for Removing Limescale

effective iron cleaning

4 Effective Iron Cleaning Tips to Follow

Irons keep your clothes pressed and wrinkle-free. This keeps them fresh and maintains their snazzy look.  But they also need their own maintenance and cleanup from time to time. Irons can get rusty, dusty, and grimy as any cleaning tool in your home can when left uncleaned for a while. Cleaning with a dirty iron is one of the last things you want to do if you plan on keeping your clothes pressed and fresh.… Read More »4 Effective Iron Cleaning Tips to Follow