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4 Homegrown Grass Stain Cleaning Tips

homegrown grass stain cleaning

Have your kids been having fun outdoors but making a mess of their clothing? Grass stains are a few of the more common messes they can take back indoors after playtime outside.

That might not sound like much to deal with, but if grass stains aren’t dealt with right away, it can cause too much of a miss.

Fortunately, these homegrown grass stain cleaning tips can help freshen up your home and your kids’ clothes in no time.

Rubbing alcohol

Apart from being an effective disinfectant, rubbing alcohol also works great on stains, including those caused by grass.

Soak a cotton ball in some rubbing alcohol and apply it to the grass stain in a continuous circular motion. Be sure to repeat this until the alcohol has completely dissolved the problem for good.

Dish soap

Not only can dish soap clear up your plates, but it can also help out with troubling grass stains on clothing.

Soak the stain with dish soap for about 30 minutes before scrubbing the area as much as you can under running cool water. Repeat often as needed or add detergent for a more thorough result.


Vinegar is one of many household substances that can give an all-natural cleaning to any stain. It is a versatile and convenient ingredient to have.

Drizzle the stain in vinegar and allow it to rest for about 30 minutes before rinsing it out with cold water and scrubbing the area if needed. This solution can also help you get rid of the grassy scent your clothing might have due to the stain.

Baking soda

If all else fails, this other convenient kitchen ingredient can help you deal with grassy stains as well.

Mix this with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide until you make a thick paste. Scrub this mixture deep into the stain and let it rest for about 30 minutes before rinsing it out.

You can also deal with grassy, muddy track stains around your home with the help of a cleaning company. Clean House Services can help deal with any mess that’s challenging for you to deal with on your own. Contact us today!

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