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4 Easy Tips for Cleaning a Pet-Dominated Home


Keeping a house clean is already a pretty taxing chore! And it gets even more complicated when you have a pet-dominated home to take care of. 

We all love our furry friends, but we also can’t deny they make a lot of the messes we need to deal with each day. Aside from fur, you also have to address the issue of pet odors that can linger on upholstery.

For this reason, here are a few easy tips you can follow to freshen up your pet-dominated home:

Always clean messes as soon as they happen

The longer you leave a mess lying around in a pet-dominated home, the less easy it is to get rid of it. 

With that being said, you shouldn’t leave a mess for more than 24 hours. Clean it up immediately, so you won’t have to spend extra time and effort just to get rid of it. 

Groom pets in safe spots

Your pets deserve to be groomed and pampered like the precious souls that they are. 

But cleaning them around your home means you might mess up your brand-new rug, couch, or your freshly changed bed sheets. If possible, set up a pet-cleaning station in your house with heavy-duty mats that make it safer and easier to prevent disasters like muddy paw tracks.

Air out your home 

Lingering smells in a pet-dominated home can be easily taken care of by letting fresh air in.

Open up the windows to allow the fresh breeze to take out those scents and allow for a crisp and comfortable indoor atmosphere. The outdoor winds can do wonders in deodorizing your home better than any cleaning solution.

Have emergency cleaning tools within reach

Pet accidents can happen no matter how hard you have potty-trained your dog or cat. This is why it’s really handy to have a few emergency cleaning tools lying around just in case. 

If you want to act fast and get your pet in a safe place before cleaning, it’s smart to have tools like wipes, a spray bottle, and even a mop. That way, you are always ready for action!. 

If you want a deeper, daily service to take care of a pet-dominated home, why not hire a cleaning company? That way, you can give your home sparkling and smell fresh for yourself and your furry friend.

Call Clean House Services for results you won’t get from any other cleaning company. Contact us today!

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